Chemistry and Math Tutoring since 1982
In person tutoring now available
Tim Gasser specializes in math and chemistry. He has been tutoring students in those subjects since the 1980's. He has tutored hundreds of students over the past 40 years. He has a single subject teaching credential in those two subjects. He formerly was a classroom teacher for about 10 years at the high school and middle school levels. He also was a substitute teacher for many years in the Palo Alto School District up until the start of the pandemic. He has been vaccinated for Covid 19 and prefers to do in person lessons if the student lives on the San Francisco Peninsula. He can come to meet the student at a convenient location such as a local library or the student's home. Contact Tim Gasser at the number listed above or the email address listed below for more information.
One-to-One Tutoring Service 3332 Spring Street Redwood City, CA 94063 650-363-8799